Domande Frequenti

Se non conosci i servizi NYBox o cerchi un servizio superiore, questa guida ti aiuterà a saperne di più sui nostri servizi e funzionalità.

Domande Frequenti per Categorie

NYBOX provides US shipping addresses that you can use when placing orders with US online stores. The store ships your purchases to us, we ship it to you. Your purchases that arrive to our facilities, get Stored, Re-packed, Shipped etc. as per your instructions.

Find out more at How Nybox Works

Once you sign up, we will provide you with two US addresses, one in Delaware and one in New Jersey, with a unique Suite number.  

Shop as you normally would on websites in the United States, when you are ready to checkout enter your US NYBOX address as your shipping address along with the phone number we've provided. We recommend saving your NYBOX address to your online accounts for faster checkout. 

Most online retailers follow the same format for addresses. You should fill them out as outlined below. 

Your New Jersey Address: 

Address Line 1 (Street address): 460 Main Ave 
Address Line 2 (Apt #): Suite 12345* 
City: Wallington 
State: NJ or New Jersey 
Zip Code: 07057 

Your Delaware (Tax Free) Address**: 

Address Line 1 (Street address): 28 W Ayre Street 
Address Line 2 (Apt #): Suite 12345* 
City: Wilmington 
State: DE or Delaware 
Zip Code: 19804 

Please ensure that all of your shipments include your complete NYBox address, including your Name and Suite number. Any packages shipped to us with an incomplete or inaccurate Name and suite number will cause delays. 

*The Suite number will be unique for you. You can find your Suite number in your account. 
**If you have mail or packages sent to your Delaware address, please keep in mind it will take an additional 1 – 2 business days for your items to be entered into your NYBox account, since packages need to be transferred from Delaware to New Jersey location. 

Yes, you can start shopping from online retailers using your US addresses immediately.  

NYBox Business Hours: 

Customer Service: 

We are committed to delivering quality service, especially when you need support. Our customer service team is available to help with any questions or problems you may have with your shipments either through our Live Chat or via email from Monday to Friday 8:00 EST to 17:00 EST. If you need further assistance, please visit our Contact page or Customer Service page to reach us. 

Warehouse Working Hours: 

Our warehouse team works hard for our members' happiness and for your packages to reach you on time, working from Monday to Friday 8:00 EST to 19:00 EST for receiving, storying, repacking, consolidating, and shipping operations.  

It is our highest priority to keep the confidentiality of our members' data and never share or sell this information to third parties. To see more details on how we collect, handle and process members' data, please check our  Privacy & Terms page. 

Please make sure that your spam filter doesn't block emails from us, you should receive an email confirming your US addresses with your Suite Number within minutes of registering. If you have a spam filter, please make sure it will allow emails from into your inbox.

If haven't received an email from us, please contact us

We assign our members a street address, not a P.O. Box address. You will have a complete street address with a unique suite number. 

John Doe 
460 Main Ave 
Suite 0001 
Wallington, NJ 07057 

Altri motivi per fare Shopping

Supporto Multilingue

Indipendentemente dalla lingua che parli, il nostro team di supporto tramite chat ti assisterà nella tua lingua.

Funzionalità Avanzate

Creiamo funzionalità avanzate che consentono di risparmiare tempo e denaro. Funzionalità come la Spedizione Automatica e il Reimballaggio Automatico accelerano il processo dei pacchi in arrivo.

Spedizione Automatica
Reimballaggio Automatico

Facile Gestione dell'Account

Da ovunque, puoi accedere facilmente al tuo account e gestire i tuoi pacchetti dal tuo computer o dispositivo mobile.

Installa l'APP NYBox
Disponibile su piattaforme IOS e Android

Pronto per Comprare?

Crea il tuo account gratuito oggi inizia a fare acquisti negli Stati Uniti